« Pierre + Anjia I Taurize, South France I March 21, 2011 | Main | A walk around Rieux en Val I Aude, South of France I Feb 23, 2011 »

Me + Big Sis, Joining Forces...

As I was reading over my posts I can't help but notice how bad my writing is...it sounds stiff and unatural, maybe that's why I'm so focused on images, I express myself better that way. My sister suggested that I write like I speak. And I'm going to try and do just that.

So like I said we have recently moved back to my homeland, South West France. My sister Seren, who is also a photographer, set up her own business here a couple of years ago. Seren is one of thos poeple that you would rarely come across. She has a huge personality, she is HILARIOUS, honest, amazingly creative and immensely driven. Mother of 2, she decided only a couple of years ago to make her life long dream come true: to make a living as a poeple photographer.

Seren and I share the same dream. Which is why we are joining forces and are creating our own name in Europe. In the US where I will be travelling to 4 times this season, I keep my name and my website. For Europe, Seren and I will have our new site up soon...I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you!!!!!


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