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Serena + Ludvik

"Looking for a wedding photographer is not an easy task! Especially when you are camera shy like myself!
However, after having reviewed several photographers work and humming and haring for what seemed like a lifetime, a colleague of mine pointed me in Dawn and Pierre's direction.
It only took a first phone conversation for me to feel at ease with Dawn, she is very easy to communicate with, her joyful manor and very proper English accent was delightful !
Although I was very nervous on the day, Dawn was able to put me at ease in front of the camera and I was even able to forget about it! The result was overwhelming... Our wedding album brings tears to my eyes. It's perfect in every sense and really translates the mood of the day. Dawn masters the art of photography to perfection and looking at my album is like looking through a wedding photography book but the bride and groom models are us! We are so grateful to Dawn and Pierre and we would like to thank them here for what they gave us.
We were the lucky ones and you could be too, don't even hesitate a second, choose Dawn and Pierre as your special event photographers. It will be one of the best decisions you've ever made!"

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