BABY SHOOT I Lovely Vivian + Mommy + Daddy I San Francisco, May 10, 2011

When Brad and Courtney contacted me to photograph their baby Vivian I was thrilled. I shot their wedding a couple of years ago in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It was one of the most memorable, colorful and exciting weddings Pierre and I had been to, and not only thanks to the huge amounts of Tequila they kept offering us (which we gladly accepted) but to the amazing, fun vibe that ruled supreme through out the whole weekend.
Back to baby shoot. I have to say this shoot with their beautiful 4 month Baby Vivian offered an interesting contrast with their wedding photos. I was very inspired by the calm and tranquil peace (unlike their wedding in Cabo one could imagine hehe) floating in the air while Viv was taking a yummy nap in her mother's arms. She remained calm and peaceful even when she woke up. As you can see I was also drawn to the flowers in their apartment and already knew I was going to be pairing the images was so touching to see how much Brad and Courtney are in love with their baby girl...parenthood suites them like a GLOVE. The 3 of them radiated lots and lots of love and happiness.
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