Fashion Shoot I Beverly Smart I Lagrasse, Aude, France I April 10, 2011

Seren and I were super excited to shoot Beverly Smart's new summer 2011 collection in Lagrasse. Beverly is a clothes designer, stylist and good friend of ours who we've known for a long time. She has an elegant store in Lagrasse, South West France, 15 minutes from where Pierre and I live (Rieux en Val), and as you can see below she also sells beautiful jewelry.
The fabulous woman you see just below is called Heidi. She used to be a model for Vogue and Marie Claire and so on. As you see she is still absolutely drop dead gorgeous and it is quite fascinating and amazing to work with a professional model!!
Caroline, another one of the models, wears Beverly's clothes to perfection. 100% sophistication.
And Joelle, the 3rd model is well...Beverly's daughter!! shaped like a swan, all she needs to do is place one hand on her hip and simply "be" to look mind bogglingly stunning.
I love how Beverly's designs are a perfect blend of confort and sophistication. I know you want to know more about Bev's clothes so I encourage you to visit her website!
Reader Comments (1)
Beverely, Good to see you when we were with Carolee. I have looked at your website but it obviously does not carry all your new Summer designs. Is theer any possibility you can send me the complelte range.
Best regards
Carol Anne