Entries by Dawn Stoloff (84)


ENGAGEMENT SESSION | Inna & Ryan | San Francisco Zoo & Legion of Honor | March 14, 2010

When Inna suggested we shoot at the San Francisco Zoo for their engagement session, I was immediately in. I wasn't quite sure how it would pan out, but the goats and sheep did a great job posing for us. Well... they loved the food they were given more than they loved us, but hey, we took full advantage of their corporation. Can someone tell me how adorable these photos are?

After the petting zoo experience, we dashed off to the Legion of Honor for shoot number 2. Time for some Fashion!  Inna and Ryan changed into different outfits and were able to show a different side of their personality. Then we headed to the beach for sunset  and made a stop at the Botanical Gardens, go, go, go!






We are offering $2500 packages for 2010, contact us for more information!


ENGAGEMENT SESSION | Patricia +Philip | San Francisco | February 5, 2009

We're shooting Patrica and Philip's wedding on March 21st at the San Francisco City Club, and we can't wait! Shooting the engagement session at this location was Patricia's idea, and I'm so glad she suggested it. "Cupid's Span" by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, was built in 2003 along the Rincon Park area near the Embarcadero in San Francisco. Resembling Cupid's bow and arrow with the arrow implanted in the ground, the statue symbolizes the place where Tony Bennett "left his heart".
I couldn't think of a better place to shoot an e session. Patricia and Philip were so easy going and playful.  I have so many GREAT photos from this session. We look forward to shooting their wedding!


 Just 2 scenes that caught my eye on my way back home ...



BABY SHOOT, San Francisco | RYE PHILIPS OLCOTT | DEC 18, 2009

I am so excited to be embarking n a new journey...baby sessions. Shooting with Brad, Julie and gorgeous new baby Rye, was a true joy, and my first experience as a baby photographer. 



MILL VALLEY Wedding, Outdoor Art Club | CHANTAL + MIKE | DEC 12, 2009

 We met Chantal and Mike a couple of years ago in Tuscany, Italy where we were shooting Brad and Julie's wedding. 2 years later, I got a call from Mike and Chantal asking us to shoot their wedding in lovely Mill Valley. One could only feel christmas was only steps away...Mike and Chantal's wedding was such a beautiful, emotional and romantic wedding!